Thursday, December 06, 2007

Obama and Dodd talk about volunteerism

I have NOT made up my mind about the next Presidential election, however... I was intrigued to read about Barack Obama's plans to expand service/volunteerism opportunities, including:

  • Expand the size of Americorps from 75,000 to 250,ooo positions
  • Double the Peace Corps from 7,800 to 16,000 positions by 2011
  • A tax credit to pay up to $4,000 in college expenses for students who commit to 100 hours of community service per year

Obama's not the only one talking about service. Senator Christopher Dodd, a former Peace Corps volunteer, has proposed making community service mandatory for high school students, doubling the size of the Peace Corps, and expanding Americorps to 1 million participants.

Read all about it in the Chicago Tribune.

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