Friday, November 17, 2006

Russell Strikes Again!

My beloved entrepreneurial idol, Russell Simmons, is once again in the headlines for an innovative business and philanthropy venture. The Washington Post, in today's article, "Hip-Hop Mogul to Tour African Mines," reports that: "Simmons sets out this month for South Africa and Botswana on a fact-finding mission as he starts the Diamond Empowerment Fund to teach Africans how to cut and polish diamonds rather than simply mining them. 'We want more of black Africans to become executives,' the the 49-year-old hip-hop mogul told the Daily News in Friday's editions. 'The diamond industry should be the leader of African empowerment.' Most African diamonds are cut by people in Belgium and Israel."

Seriously, could I love Russell Simmons any more that I already do?! He's the best.

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